Call for Nominees: 2025 Student Ambassadors

L: 2024 Student Ambassadors Madison Graham, Anne Harper, and Paulina Macías Ortega. R: Student Ambassadors Cris Kelman, Mina Basmaci, CCO Freya Doughty-Wagner, Anne Harper, and Madison Graham.
Student Ambassadors
Call for Nominees
Deadline: March 31, 2025 (early nominations encouraged)
The International Law Association (American Branch) seeks nominations for its Student Ambassadors program. This is a terrific way for law students to network with leading academics and practitioners, as well as other students, and it will look great on their resume. All Branch members are invited to nominate students for this position. Interested students are encouraged to seek the support of a professional ABILA member to support their application (such as a professor at their school). If a student cannot find an ABILA member to nominate them, they should contact the ABILA’s CCO at [email protected] to discuss self-nominations.
Student Ambassadors help with the organization’s work, especially preparing for International Law Weekend 2025 (ILW 2025). ILW is held annually by the Branch and will take place in New York City on October 23-25, 2025. Read about the 2024 Student Ambassadors here, Anne Harper’s panel reflection here, and Cris Kelman’s here.
Student Ambassador will work with several Branch leaders, including the ILW Organizing Committee Chairs, the Branch President, the Chief Operating Officer, Vice Presidents, the Chief Content Officer, or the Co-Directors of Studies to provide various forms of assistance with ILW and the Branch more generally. Student Ambassadors will have the opportunity to voice their opinions in ILW2025 preparation meetings, learn about conference organization, write for the ABILA blog and Newsletter, and network with international law professionals. Most importantly, Student Ambassadors will provide logistical support throughout International Law Weekend itself. Financial support is available to assist Student Ambassadors in attending ILW.
Members are invited to forward their nominee’s cover letter and CV to Freya Doughty-Wagner ([email protected]) with the subject line “Student Ambassador Application.” Members are encouraged to include a few sentences supporting the nominee in their email. Questions should also be sent to this email address.
As a reminder, student membership in the American Branch of the International Law Association is free for students who may sign up from the membership page of our website.

L: Student Ambassadors at the New York City Bar Association. R: Student Ambassador Helen Bamiro with the ILW24 Poster.