Every two years the International Law Association stages a major biennial conference, hosted by different national branches, that brings together the leading international lawyers, international law academics, and members of governments and international organizations from around the world. The last biennial conference was held in Athens, Greece, on June 25-28, 2024. The next biennial conference will be held in Vienna, Austria in 2026.
A major focus of each conference is on the work of the ILA’s committees and study groups, but plenary sessions and other panels address a wide range of leading international law issues. The 81st Biennial was hosted in Athens, Greece, the 80th Biennial was held in Lisbon, Portugal, the 79th was hosted online through Kyoto, Japan, and the 78th was hosted in Sydney, Australia.
The United States has hosted six of the ILA’s biennial conferences. Buffalo, New York was the location of the eighteenth conference in 1899, and the twenty-fourth was held in Portland, Maine in 1907. New York City was the site of the thirty-sixth (1930), the forty-eighth (1958), and the fifty-fifth (1972) ILA biennial conferences.
The sixth and most recent U.S. site to host an ILA biennial was the 76th ILA Biennial Conference which took place from April 7-12, 2014 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. The conference was held jointly with the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law. A joint Program Committee, made up of members of the ABILA, ILA, and ASIL and chaired by Oona Hathaway, Larry Johnson, and Fionnuala Ní Aolain, organized the joint program.
81st Biennial Conference – Athens, Greece
The Hellenic Branch of the International Law Association held the 81st Biennial Conference of the International Law Association in Athens, Greece on June 25-28, 2024.
The theme of the 2024 biennial conference was International Law in a Fluid World/Le droit international dans un monde en mouvement. Our Common Good. Read about the American Branch’s experience at the 81st Biennial here.
80th Biennial Conference – Lisbon, Portugal
The Portuguese Branch of the International Law Association organized the 80th Biennial Conference of the International Law Association in Lisbon, Portugal on June 19-24, 2022.
The theme of the 2022 biennial conference was International Law: Our Common Good. The program included sessions of ILA committees and study groups and a set of parallel working sessions where the main issues affecting the current status of the International Law were discussed. More information is available online.

Professor Manuel de Almeida Ribeiro
President, ILA Portuguese Branch