The American Branch gratefully acknowledges the support of our Patrons, who are life members of the Branch and do not pay annual dues. Patrons not only support the organization but are also actively involved in the organization’s activities.
If you would like to join as a Patron, you may do so via check or online here. Please contact the Membership Officer at [email protected] with any questions.
Alona E. Evans Patrons
This level is named in honor of Alona E. Evans, a prominent international lawyer who was active in the Branch. She served as an ILA Executive Committee member and was the first female President of the American Society of International Law.
Charles N. Brower
Matthew C. Kane
Charlotte Ku
Houston Putnam Lowry
Lisa Reinsberg
Leila Nadya Sadat
Michael P. Scharf
David P. Stewart
Beth Van Schaack
David Dudley Field Patrons
This level is named in honor of one of the Branch’s founders, David Dudley Field, the great codifier of U.S. law, and subsequently, international law.
Andrea K. Bjorklund
Lee C. Buchheit
Christina M. Cerna
Valerie Epps
Aaron X. Fellmeth
Edward Gordon
Anthony Lee Larson
Cynthia C. Lichtenstein
We are grateful for the support of our late patrons.
David Caron
John F. Murphy
Andre Newburg
Charles D. Siegal
Philip M. Moremen
James A.R. Nafziger
Ved P. Nanda
John E. Noyes
Anibal M. Sabater
Mortimer N. Sellers
Jennifer Trahan
Ruth G. Wedgwood